Thursday, August 27, 2009

a real update this time!

Hi Friends, I’m so sorry for my absence. I’ve been a busy girl this summer and I still see no signs of it slowing down! At the moment, I’m waiting in my Mom’s hospital room as she gets her right rotator cuff repaired. It is so cold here and I have a lot of time to catch you up on my life’s story. What a luxury to have time enough to reflect! Gosh, I’m a tired girl.

So what’s bee keeping me so busy, you might ask?

Well, I’m still the nanny for one of the best families in the world., but I’ll be leaving them in October. Until then we have A LOT of travel lined up and a new nanny to train. I am hoping and praying she loves these kids as much as I do. They have become family, and it’s been an honor to be part of their little lives. I will not however miss spending hours discussing princess shoes and the finer points of railroads and trains.

I am leaving my job because as of November this year I will be a small business owner. And by small, I mean, tiny. I’ll be the only employee. I have been feeling for sometime that I’d love to go back to doula work. I got a taste of it when I was living in Santa Rosa several years ago but have always been afraid that I couldn’t do this work as my only means of support. But as it seems, the only way to be ready to do this full time is to just dive in headfirst. So far, I’m learning all kinds of things I never wanted to know about owning a business. Who knew that paying taxes, marketing and networking could be so stressful? Who knew I’d ever need a website ( and spend my days worrying about contact forms and contract wording? I am simultaneously terrified and excited to get started. I can’t wait to work with birthing families as their birth and postpartum doula!

I’m such a jumble of emotions. I just moved “back home” (to a place I’ve never lived before) with my mom and Adolfo so I can save money and feel free to start Miranda Birth Services without rent and other expenses hanging over my head. Yesterday was my first morning there and my mom greeted me with a fresh cup of coffee in hand! I felt so well loved. After all these years my family is still happy to have me with them! At the same time, Last night I went to my old apartment to clear out a few more things and take out the garbage. It felt like home too. I still feel as if I’ll go back there this evening, even though I know that’s not true. It has been the longest I’ve lived at any place in my adult life. I am really going to miss it.

Well, friends, I’m going to grab a bite to eat but will be back this afternoon with more!

Love to you,

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